
Google Docs

Page history last edited by brunsell 14 years, 4 months ago

Note: The original content for this page was created by undergraduate students during a UWO educational technology course (Spring 2009).


Google Rocks!
This is a direct guide on how to use awesome Google tools which can bring technology to your classroom!
We will describe how to use Google Docs, Collaboration Maps, and Presentations.

Step One- Create a Google account. This will give you access to use all of the Google tools.
- Go to Google.com and click on the "sign in" link located on the upper left hand corner of the web page. Google will give easy to follow directions on how to make an account.

Step Two- After signing in, click on the "more" heading which is located on the upper right side of the web page. Under the "more" heading, scroll down to "even more". This will give you a list of all the google tools available.

Google Docs:

This is an overview about Google Docs. It explains why it could be a valuable tool to use. It also shows a quick guide on how to get started on Google Docs.


Let's look at some of the special features to help accomplish collaborative tasks using Google Docs.

  • Along the top right side of the web page is a list of features. Share, New file, Upload, Hide, Delete, Rename, etc.
  • Each heading gives easy to follow directions to get started.
  • To up load a file from you computer, click on the heading "Upload".
  • To share this document with someone else, click on the heading "Share". This will allow you to invite who you choose to only view or collaborate/edit the document.
  • You can also email yourself and your collaborator's.

Google Presentations:
This video link explains how to create a presentation on google docs.

Google presentations could be useful in the classroom in a variety of ways. Here is a helpful website that you can use to put all the above steps together and how you would use this tool in a classroom;

Google Forms:Google forms is a flexible form and a survey development with built in reporting. Here are the steps to take in creating a google form.


  1. Navigate your browser to docs.google.com and log-in. Go to the menu labeled “New” at the left and select “Form”
  2. A new Google Form has been created. Click to edit the title and description, then click “Add question”
  3. Edit the question text and list the possible responses.
  4. Click “Save,” then click the link at the bottom of the page to view your published form.
  5. After people have filled out your form, you can view analytics for your form data by clicking “Show Analysis” in the edit form view.
  6. All of your form responses are stored in a Google Spreadsheet, which can be easily exported to .XLS/.CSV for making custom graphics in Excel.
You could use this tool in your classroom to get surveys and also survey outside people and see what their responses are.


If you are a visual learner here is a YouTube video to show how to create a online quiz.

Google Maps Collaboration:


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