

Page history last edited by brunsell 14 years, 7 months ago


VoiceThread is a really cool interactive audio and video "thing." The best way to understand what a VoiceThread is, is to watch one-

You can upload a presentation into VoiceThread, but first you need to save slides as images. You can do this in PowerPoint by selecting "Save As" and then selecting .jpg as the file type. Newer versions of PowerPoint also have "Save as Pictures" under the file menu. Once you do this, you can easily upload them into your VoiceThread.



  • Here is an example of a VoiceThread used in an English class.
  • Here is an example of how to create a VoiceThread conversation. 
  • Here is an example of how teachers are using VoiceThread to have their students create book talks (and keep track of them in a wiki).
  • Michael Forster Rothbart, a photographer, traveled to Ukraine to chronicle the aftermath of Chernobyl.  He wanted to dig deeper than the sensationalist photos showing deformed children and abandoned buildings to explore the complex story about how a displaced community adapts and survives.  He used VoiceThread to tell this story.   NPR Article | Chernobyl PhotoJournal


Comments (5)

Caryn Purcell said

at 4:32 pm on Jun 25, 2010

Hi Professor Brunsell, was there a setting to allow access so that we could view/hear the voicethreads? i uploaded my sample to my blog, linked it with the share URL for it, but when you click on it, a registration screen pops up; I can't find a setting to open it up for viewing. thanks, caryn

Caryn Purcell said

at 5:32 pm on Jun 25, 2010

I think I figured it out! (my VT problem) Sorry to bother you. caryn

Kelly Burke said

at 3:08 pm on Jun 30, 2010

Ok, now I'm frustrated, I can't seem to upload images from my computer into the voisethread. Nothing happens when I click on the button. Tips anyone?

Scott Lilley said

at 7:51 pm on Jul 6, 2011

I'm having trouble converting a PowerPoint presentation into .jpgs and I can't find the "Save as Pictures" option. I'd like to use this set of slides to upload to Voicethread since it's already put together. I can start from scratch, since I have the raw photos somewhere, but I'd rather not. Any suggestions?

Scott Lilley said

at 8:39 pm on Jul 6, 2011

Got it. I hadn't scrolled down far enough under the Save As > Other Formats. JPEG was there all along...

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