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TEDx (Or, Using the Coolest Website Ever!)


TED is in my Google Reader account because it makes me think. TED challenges the world's best thinkers to give the presentations of their lives. Then, they make them public for all to see. If you need a break, watch one! I try to watch at least one talk every week. Here are couple of my favorites to get you started:


If you watched one, I'm sure you can already think of plenty of classroom applications (more than just "sub-day fodder")!


Writing Prompt

The science department at Appleton East High school used TED videos as a way to encourage students to write. The prompt below was developed by @ehoffman and @basler (yes, they are on Twitter).


Bonus Assignment – Science


Bringing Current Research in Science & Technology To Students


  1. Each teacher / course has a specific video for you to watch.  These videos are part of the TED (Technology, Entertainment, & Design) series.  The TED Talks are known for their engaging, cutting-edge presentations in the areas of science, technology, engineering, math, entertainment, and design.   


  1. After you have fully watched the video, you will be writing a 5-paragraph essay about it.  Your essay should include a summary of the main points of the speech and your reaction to the speech.  Your reaction should include what new information you learned, what surprised or intrigued you, and how this information is relevant to you.  Please keep in mind the characteristics of good writing – complete sentences, subject-verb agreement, correct spelling, coherent thoughts, etc.  Remember, good writing is not just something for your comm. arts classes – good writing is a lifelong skill that applies to all classes!



List of Videos by Course / Teacher (Example)


Video Title & Speaker

Video Link

Teacher / Course

Steven Johnson – Ghost Map



Hoffman – Bio / AP Bio

Mark Bittman – What’s Wrong With What We Eat


Pezzi – Chem/A&P











Hold your own TEDx Classroom Event


TEDx stands for "independently organized TED event."  TED has created a structure that promotes community gatherings to watch TED videos and to encourage "locals" to speak about their passions.  I think every school should host a TEDx event...but, why wait -- do one in your classroom!


Here is an example of a TEDx event -- TEDxOilspill.  This will be broadcast live on June 28 and they have some amazing guests.




The TEDxProject dramatically expands on the writing prompt idea.  English teacher, Christian Long (@ChristianLong) had his 80 tenth grade students watch 600+ TED videos (about 8 videos each). Students critically reflected on each video in blog posts.  At the end of the project, students were challenge to create their own TED style talk. He also created a series of "Lunch and Learn" Skype chats with TED organizers and speakers.  Browse through the TEDxProject blog and be blown away by the students' work!







Comments (5)

Kevin Kenealy said

at 11:15 am on Jun 24, 2011

This TED stuff is really cool. I especially enjoy how open and up front most of the speakers are. They are not trying to hide what their agenda is they are just speaking their mind. I can really see using something like this for both professional development and for use with students!

DuShane said

at 7:03 pm on Jun 24, 2011

I think is an interesting approach to get students interested in writing!

dana blomquist said

at 11:22 pm on Jun 24, 2011

"I went to a SILC academy at MSU two years ago and a speaker briefed us on TED. It is wicked cool! I think it is an incredibly valuable tool. Especially for the painfully shy student! Great STUFF!" huh. Maybe this goes here instead of on week two in general. The presenter at the SILC academy said that TED was fairly easy to use. That may be the most exciting bit of all!

Christine Jones said

at 8:31 pm on Jun 25, 2011

So much new stuff in my brain!! I can see great possibilities for this next year and know that my new teaching partner (we block math/science and LA/history) will be all over this as well.

Linda Kocian said

at 11:58 am on Jun 26, 2011

I can't believe I hadn't heard of TED before! What a wonderful (and easy) way to introduce students to great minds!

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